Six lessons in relationships from a failed salsa dancer

A colleague recently likened building relationships to a dance – we try out some tentative moves and see how they respond, then let them do the same, hoping to find some common ground so that we can eventually achieve some level of synchronicity and joy.  He was talking about client relationships but it could just … Read more

Not another blue Monday post – Kindness Coaching 

I have been describing myself as a coach for the last two years and the question I get asked most is “What kind of coach are you?”  There are so many different types of coaches out there. Career, performance, executive, life, wellbeing or wellness, leadership, motivation, confidence, business, transformational, relationship… you name it you can … Read more

This is me. I’m human.

On the eve of World Mental Health day I’m going to share my own experience. For too long I have felt the need to keep up a ‘corporate’ persona both in my research career and now with my own business. There’s enormous pressure to be seen as ‘together’, professional, knowledgeable; but at the end of the day … Read more

What do you think has the biggest impact on your level of happiness?

Your bank balance? The number of Facebook Friends you have? Your living conditions? Your health? None of these.  It’s something that’s completely within our control yet at the same time can be really tricky to change. It’s how we think. Mindset is just another word for it. This explains why two people’s experience of the same … Read more